Thursday, July 8, 2010

super hero pin-up ladies!

Part of my work as costume maker extroidinare is to create costumes for a episodic web series called Next Global Crisis ( The Costumes are all desined by the writter/producer Andrew Fraser and he will send me rough skethces, examples and descriptions via email. I then go on to by the fabric/base materials and make up the costume. I have been trying to think how to display these best on my portfolio website and i decided on putting up a photo of the actress in the finish peice next to a pin-up style drawing of Andrews design as drawn by myself. The images below are the sketch process for Athena (super power - been alive since ancient greece; healing hands) and a half done one for Miss Freedom (super power - super strenght, invunrebility, flight.) You can see the final images and the actual costumes on

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