Sunday, December 28, 2008

a little bit of old school

3 terribly shit scans of an amazing original copy of a french fashion plate my sister gave me for christmas, tre bon an all that.....

Friday, November 28, 2008

lets go a bit retro.

uni is driving me mad, and slightly killing the enjoyment i get from drawing, final year was always going to be scary...
also im starting to notice all my old journals and sketchbooks are falling apart at the seams, so i have started the slightly to nostalgic experience of scanning them all in, below are a few golden oldies from a couple of years back.

things that i have been quite liking at the moment: my friends d&d, they are special special boys, devient arts stock photo collection: and endless source of entertainment, comic books, rain storms, movies in my new flat, and stuff.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

wings wings wings.

first official fourth year costume! ahhh dear.

this shall be interesting.

Monday, September 8, 2008

music will not last

went to america. took some photos did some drawins. nice.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

black and white eyes.

ive been at t in the park. and also homeless.
so no new drawings for a bit. because homeless-ness plus general lazyness = sitting on park benches and mumbling. then sleeping on various sofa's and mumbling in my sleep.
i used to have a myspace for my drawings. but after the 70th friend request from a woman in a pvc bikini and a really really bad band made of photo-in-the-mirror boys i gave up. so i shall be adding all the doodles that used to be on there. slowly slowly. like a row boat. a little bit.

above is a friend of mine, asleep on a coach (glasgow to edinburgh) he has nice-face. but tricky arms to draw.

this was sone on a plane (prague to edinburgh) the words on the top come from the saftey instructions for when crash landing on water. i like the way it sounds.. though not the whole idea.
bored in a lecture a while ago. ink and spit. class.

and a beutiful if not a little heartwrenching phot of judy garland, back stage.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

sunburnt eyeballs.

its really bloody sunny up here in the north.
i likes it. makes me feal all warm in the head. or maybe thats just because ive been eating nothing but goats cheese for 3 days.
tasty tasty.

above: another jerkalert photo turned drawing this time of the lovely duke spirit.

obsessed with the mgmt song pieces of what, there frikin cool. ound like a childrens choir who have broken into a keyboard factory and eated all the computer bits. ROBO-CHILD musician of the future.

above is what happens when i wake up stupidly early and cant fall back asleep yet also cant be arsed to function normally.

i write swearwords and draw spirals.

productivity = ovverated.

im going to go sit in a park and stare at strangers through my sunglasses.

creepy creepy creepy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

a little less conversation....

blah. people and poses taken from the photography of
she has many talents and a fine taste in wine....

girls with megaphone. rockness 2008
frightend rabbit (fucking amazing band.... yup yup yup)
man dancing in the dark.
the above is not one of Sara's photos, its from a compilation cd i made for my little sis.... found it today whilst lookin for comic books and socks. class.

bu-bye for now.

Monday, June 16, 2008


more sketchbook stuff. i need to get back into using colour again, its alot easyer shuffling round wuth just a few biro's but i miss my felt tip pens.

the above is sad but true, owing to my compleate lack of organisational skills i never ever remeber to bring money to festivals. tennents is fine thou, lots of vitimans in em an that, of course i forget the above mention money, a toothbrush, a camera and a pair of sock. yet i remember a dinosaur mask.
i really have no idea why....


i had a plan, up until an hour ago of saving all my lovely hard earned cash for the summer in london. then i had to just have a quick look in the wonderful vintage shops that i happen to alk past almost every day.

i now am broke again and the owner of two lovely 50's dresses. one is a brown velvet mini dress with white fur hemmint the cuffs, the other a sky blue day dress with white lace detail and coverd buttons.


but they are very pretty.

Friday, June 13, 2008

i dislike compters greatly, especially the ones at my university. i have been avoiding there phonecalls and postcards whilst burning myself at badly organised festivals and hastily put-together barbiques (i have no idea how to spell that word) i have been so lazy recently, the only drawings i have done have been doodles in notebooks and in the backs of dayplanners...
et voila.

i really have no clue if anyone looks at this but if you do, sorry for the lack of drawings recently, i shall try and keep up in future....

currenlty enjoying, chemistry books, green nails, black clothing, tattoos on hands, photographers, canadians (x), bubblegum, buffy the vampire slayer, the meadows, permanent marker, cocktails and student loans...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

sleeping in.

oh dear, it has been a wee while hasnt it.

im ever so bad at keeping up to date with things, especially when i have been stuck in a cottage in the middle of knowere running around fields with sticks and yelping (all in the name of art of course)

so hrm. here's some pretty pictures, none of them new, but there quite nice i think.

bad face. life drawing class last year.

catsuit. september 2007
lila drinking the milk. winter 2007

postcard of a painting. 2006

hrm. apart from the great outdoors i have recently been particularly obsessed with swearwords, singing, buying new stationary with my student loan, red converse and nails, april march, pesto and pasta, piano music and sunshine!
hurry up summer....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

university blues.

before me teachers let me make this, i have to find a pair of twins..


Saturday, February 23, 2008

just a little one.

i always end up drawing in the wrong places, empty art books and magazines coverd in doodles. bit of a wast of paper eh. new hair 16/2/08
:) =
comic books, especially frank quietly and mike allred, post secret sunglasses, the futurheads, jumpers that are woolen, cheese and biscuits, tweed and boys deodrant. plus teeth.
not much this week, im sleepy and have much to do.. fun though.

Monday, February 11, 2008

paper diamond.

every week: one piece of paper (art)
and several things i may be currently obsessed with
the letter O being todays theme:

odd cigarette.

this in particular the paper diamond. found on
to fiddly for me as a child, but getting older and somewhat slower or maybe more patient has changed that. i find myself making tiny little areoplanes boats boxes and the above when my hands are left alone for to long.

old copies of vogue,
i have recently discoverd my university library has these dating back to the 1900's, i love the illustrations in the 30's ones, and the early photography...
typing of photography (i would say speaking but technicly im not) i wish i took more , or at least took better ones pictures always talk louder than words to me.
this blog is quite a random thing i have decided sortof on a whim to do, im hoping it will encourage me to draw more, entertain someone pherhaps or at least be somewhere for me to catalogue my ever changing tempory obsessions. this week including carrot juice, robyn (the singer), fizzy strawberry sweets, taxidermy, arrows, black nail varnish and men's clothing.
wait and see...